Friday, April 30, 2010

Country Breakfast: Tofu and Veggie Scramble with Home Fries

From An Opera Singer in the Kitchen

I am enjoying spring so much! Even though I hear that it is still snowing in some parts of the US, I am glad that we have cool weather AND sunshine. Don'get me wrong. There are some days that are cloudy and gloomy, but the flowers and the trees are all in full bloom. Maybe a little too much in full bloom.

I am hearing that spring came earlier than last year. DO you know what that means? The tulips start blooming earlier and perhaps will not be in the best viewing mode for the Festival next week, although I have been informed that a wide variety of tulips have been planted that seem to bloom later despite weather changes, so I am looking forward driving my sister and grandmother around in order to show them the 6 MILES of tulip lanes. Oh yes.

I have a little spring in the my own backyard too! Actually, just two flowers, but it still makes me happy.

From An Opera Singer in the Kitchen
Does it not look like a weed?? Poor tulips, but they were enjoying the sun as I had been that afternoon.

Now to delicious sunny food. You know that I have been counting calories and watching what I have been actually eating. I have been experimenting with foods for breakfast that have the same amount of calories. I have been consistently drinking Green Monster Smoothies and oatmeal, but on occasion I feel like eating some sort of comfort food.

You know what I am talking about. There is always that favorite greasy spoon of a place that entices you with their smothered bisquits and gravy, hashbrowns, bacon, and other heart-clogging foods. You actually can have that in the privacy of your own home without all the grease!

Before going vegan, I consumed a lot of eggs, so this was probably the hardest thing not to crave, next to cheese. It still is a little hard when I prepare hard-boiled eggs for egg salad for Ryan, but then I think of my goals and my reasons and I remember that I can have a tasty substitute: tofu.

I am glad to feature my recipe because I know that breakfast is one of the most important meals that fuels and determines how I will be feeling the rest of the day. Yes, food affects moods, at least the wrong food choices. Tofu is so versatile as I learned through Isa Chandra's book with brunch and breakfast ideas. It is exciting to know that there are so many options, so I decided to make my own version of a tofu scramble with veggies with a side of home fries. Sometimes I alternate this meal with 2 pieces of Ezekiel toast. Both of these breakfast options equal to a close 400 calories for the whole meal.

From An Opera Singer in the Kitchen

Tofu and Veggie Scramble

serves 2

1 12-ounce box Mori-Nu tofu
1 Tbsp olive oil
1 cup sliced mushrooms
1 cup asparagus, chopped
1/2 cup onions, chopped
1 garlic clove, minced
1 1/2 tsp Italian seasonings
1 1/2 tsp tumeric
1/2 tsp garlic powder
1/2 tsp cayenne pepper
1/2 tsp crushed black pepper
2 Tbsp water

Press the tofu for 30 minutes prior to cooking. Chop all the veggies and leave ready to begin cooking process.

Using a non-stick skillet, heat olive oil on medium heat. Add pressed tofu and crumble in large pieces. The tofu will need to cook and dry out a little for 10 to 15 minutes, so meanwhile, add onions and garlic to tofu.

After those 15 minutes, add asparagus and mushroom and all the rest of the spices plus the water. Cook for 5 minutes and serve hot!

From An Opera Singer in the Kitchen

Home Fries

serves 2

3 red potatoes, diced 1/2 inch thick
2 tsp crushed black pepper
1 1/2 tsp salt
2 Tbsp olive oil

Prepare potatoes before starting on tofu scramble.

Preheat oven to 450F and move oven rack to the next to last highest row. Line a small cookie sheet with parchment paper.

Wash and scrub potatoes. Dice them and add to a medium bowl. Add olive oil, salt and pepper and mix well. Pour potatoes on cookie sheet and spread evenly. Bake for 20 minutes and serve while hot.



This looks beautiful!
I haven't seen red potatoes here, which is a pity, as that color really adds so extra niceness :)
What exactly is mori-nu-tofu?

Lori Lynn

My kind of breakfast!


Mori-Nu is one of my favorite brands of tofu. Another brand is Nasoya.


You make gorgeous food!

  © by 2008 Modified by Cynthia Nelson

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