Friday, March 19, 2010

Super-easy crunchy spread/dip

Today I want to share this easy spread/dip recipe with you.
It was my breakfast today, with some slices of bread that I made last night.
I used fresh peppers and celery for their crunchiness and health-benefits and also, because they happened to be at home, but you can use any vegetables you like (for example grated carrot!)
If you love spreads like I do, just go wild with the recipe and add or subtract any ingredient you can think of.

You need:

(amount for 1 – 2 people)

Around 100 g of sour-cream, yogurt or cream-cheese
1 red pepper
A bit of white onion (mine was giant, so I used around 1/6)
½ or 1 celery stem
A bit of cheese
Spices to your liking (I used paprika, pepper, nutmeg and sage)
Salt (if you use unsalted sour-cream)


Finely chop the onion, celery and pepper.
Grate the cheese.

Add sour-cream and spices
Mix well and serve as a spread on bread or a dip with “something to dip in” (crackers, chips, carrots or cucumbers cut into long sticks, etc.)

I hope you enjoy it!



Ooh ... sinfully delicious, and all made at home too! I no longer buy cheese spread at the supermarket. At least this way we can control the amount of unhealthy fat in our diet since we measure out our ingredients ourselves.
Thanks for sharing!


Lovely spread and would love to try it out for lil angel...


Yeah, I agree, that's the nice thing about cooking by oneself in general :)
One has full control over what goes into the food :D


You know what, making this with goat cheese would be great too given that once at room temperature, the goat cheese becomes soft and creamy.

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